Does personal data that we share while clicking online ads are being stored safely?
As data stealing and hacking are constantly on the rise, it’s not just the financial data, but also all types of customer data that are on the attacker’s radar. Customer is also aware of cyber safety nowadays. Hence customer becomes increasingly cautious before clicking on any types of online ads such as display ads, banner ads, video ads, email ads, etc. Further, there are millions of digital ads available on the internet, and clicking on them also brings constant fear in the user’s mind of compromising personal information. For instance, post clicking the pop-up ads on a random website- customers are not aware how their personal information (i.e. name, phone no, email id, location, etc.) will be managed by the server collecting this info and what if malicious users have access of their data and abuse it. A primary reason behind this trust gap is the lack of transparency behind storing and managing user’s data by advertisers. Ultimately, this fear is resulting in a lower click-through rate (CTR) and causing a big revenue loss to advertisers. To know about encryptgig products, email us at; Try our product for 1 month free: encryptgig webapp.